What's New 8


After being put onto this show by a friend who sold it to me as "the new Lost" I delved straight in and season one, although a bit predictable was fun TV.  The show is set in a town in middle America where those who enter are trapped and have to survive the nocturnal monsters that plague the town for some unknown reason. Think Lost and I Am Legend combined. Season two introduced some new but largely forgettable characters and some of the plots were elongated to the point beyond fillers. My favourite characters are Sherriff Boyd played excellently by Harrold Perrineau aka Michael from Lost (Waaaaaaaaaalt!)  Jade, the resident genius who has zero patience with the other minions and Victor, the weird guy who's the towns longest inhabitant. Season 2 was largely disappointing but of course they've left it on a massive cliff hanger so like the mindless drone I am I'll be excited and tuning in for whenever season 3 arrives. 


Everyone remembers the Netflix show Making A Murderer right? The crazy, crazy case of Teresa Halbach's murder where Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey were tried and convicted followed by a huge amount of conspiracy theories and debate. Well this book, written brilliantly by Shaun Attwood deep dives into the case and all the possible motivations, conspiracies and techniques that were used against the perpetrators to send them down. Now I'm only halfway through the book and I have to say the arguments put across by Attwood are compelling and make good reading. There's manuscripts of interviews especially in Dassey's case who was said to of been coerced into confessing and the book does a great job at explaining some of the scientific elements of the case that didn't really come across to well in the TV show. Criminology has always been a interest of mine (my friend who bought me the book knew this) and I'd say this book is for those interested in that kind of thing, it's not a particularly easy read but I'm enjoying it and looking forward to getting through the rest.    


Wes Anderson movies aren't my favourite thing I can either take them or leave them. What I do appreciate about his pictures is the cinematography and his use of models to create worlds within worlds. Accidentally Wes Anderson started life as a Instagram page in 2017 by Wally and Amanda Koval. Their intention was to document a travel bucket list but the project quickly developed and a Instagram community was born. Now people from all over the world submit their pictures, they have a amazing book (which I bought) and they also have this exhibition that I visit just after Christmas. It's absolutely superb and reasonably priced too and it really does bring all of Wes Anderson's colours, textures and symmetry to us from different corners of the globe, from a mountain in Germany to a laundrette in London. Visit their Instagram page @accidentallywesanderson and see for yourself.     


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