Arctic Monkeys - There'd Better Be A Mirrorball

 Earlier this year when the band started announcing that they'd be playing summer festivals we knew that their four year hiatus was coming to a close. Since we last heard new material from the Sheffield rockers we've experienced a global pandemic, Donald Trump got kicked out of the White House and Alex Turner shaved his goatee! It's been annouced that new album The Car will drop October 21st and we've been teased with a little slice of that record with There'd Better Be A Mirrorball...

Yes the piano is still here but fear not as this track has more groove then anything on TBH&C. This is Turner crooning and crooning big. Think No1 Party anthem with less Sheffield and more strings and more purpose. Matt Helders who was put relativley on the back burner for Casio glides us through with a easy, steady drum beat and the strings really do add another layer to the Monkeys composition (who remembers Mardy Bum Glastonbury 2013?)

The song begins with a 56 second instrumental, no lyrics, and as I believe this will be NO1 on the track listing I feel like that's their way of saying goodbye to TBH&C and welcome to The Car. Turner has been quoted as saying that sci-fi is off the table, we're back down to earth with this record and lyrically and instrumentally it feels very much the case. This is a old fashioned love song and even though "I know I promised this is what I wouldn't do" I'm very glad he has....

I'll be reviewing the album when it drops and for fun I'll be doing a ranking of the albums at some point in the near future.    


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