
Showing posts from July, 2022

What's New 6

 Hello and happy middle of the year to you all! I thought it was about time I done another "What's New" post where I write about the new stuff I'm watching, listening to or reading. These aren't mega in depth (I've got a few band and album reviews pending) but scratch the surface and prove a decent conversation starter.  As ever I'm open to reviewing new material etc and my email is on the homepage so feel free to hit me up.  Hope you enjoy AB   Album: Fontaines DC - Skinty Fia Big, big fan of these lads. I've said before their first album Dogrel is the best debut I've heard since Arctic Monkeys and they're back on top form with their third record in three years Skinty Fia. For a post punk band they're "almost" radio friendly which can't be said for some and with songs like Jackie Down The Line they've got a real The Kooks vibe going on.  This is a strong set of songs and personally I don't think there is a weak link w...